Modifying Board Assets
The booting procedure of the Genio platform consists of several stages, and each stage is implemented by different software component, which is described in IoT Yocto BSP & Boot Architecture.
The following sections will walk you through the process to modify these software components and flash board assets to the target board for testing.
Before proceeding, please ensure that you have downloaded IoT Yocto source tree and built an image from it. Please refer to Build from Source Code for more information.
The document will take U-Boot as an example to demonstrate how to check out, modify, and build the source tree. The same procedure applies to other components.
Modifying U-Boot
To modify the U-Boot source tree, please use Yocto devtool to check out the source tree specified by the recipe:
MACHINE=<board-name> devtool modify u-boot
After running the command, the checked out source tree will be located under the path
While it may appear to work if you modify the source code files under the <BUILD_DIR>/tmp/work
this breaks Yocto’s build cache management logic, and your changes may be overwritten by
the bitbake
tool without warning. Always use devtool
and modify files under
The extracted directory is a git repository, and you can modify the source code and run git commit
to track changes locally. The initial git history created by devtool modify
consists of:
The git repository commit designated by the
variables in the recipe.Extra patches applied by the Yocto recipe on top of the
commit. These patches are usually board dependent fixes.
An example of U-Boot commit history shows these commits:

In the example above, the U-Boot recipe fetches commit a5d8f6
from the U-Boot source repository, and then
applies 4 patches. These patches are the result of two different Yocto layers:
1 additional patches in .bb file in
.3 additional patches in .bbappend file in
Because of the flexible layered architecture of Yocto, each layer is able to extend or modify settings
of base layers, it is not easy to figure out correctly which git commit to check out, or which
patch to be applied on the source tree.
Therefore, we recommend you to always extract the source tree with MACHINE=<board-name> devtool modify
so that you can get the correct source tree.
Once devtool modify <recipe>
has been executed, patch changes in the recipe files will be
ignored, because the extracted source repository in workspace overrides configurations in the recipe.
After modifying the source code, you can re-compile it with:
MACHINE=<board-name> bitbake u-boot
Since the U-Boot binary is not the final image used for flashing the target board, we need one more step for generating it:
MACHINE=<board-name> bitbake trusted-firmware-a
The built artifact is located in <BUILD_DIR>/tmp/deploy/images/<MACHINE>/fip.bin
It is not intuitive to determine which recipe used for modifying source tree and which recipe used for generating images for flashing the target board. Here is the table for listing each component and the corresponding recipes used for modification and image generation.
Component |
Recipe for modification |
Recipe for image generation |
Image |
Purpose |
BL2 |
bl2 |
bl2 |
bl2.img |
DRAM initialization |
BL31 |
trusted-firmware-a |
trusted-firmware-a |
fip.bin |
platform initialization |
BL32 |
optee-os |
trusted-firmware-a |
fip.bin |
secure environment |
BL33 |
u-boot |
trusted-firmware-a |
fip.bin |
For booting operating system |
Download Agent |
lk |
lk |
lk.bin |
bootstrap binary used by genio-flash to initalize DRAM, storage to support fastboot protocol |
U-Boot Env |
N/A |
u-boot |
u-boot-env.bin |
Generated by genio-flash from u-boot-initial-env text file |
Note that since BL31, BL32, BL33 are all bundled in single partition image
, updating the source of any one of them requires rebuilding both the
recipe for modification and the recipe for image generation.
Once you are satisfied with the modifications, there are two ways for integrating these changes to the recipe:
If you are maintaining your own U-Boot git repository, you can commit your changes to it, and update the
of the corresponding recipe with the correct git hash.If those changes are small enough, you can create patches, add them to the directory containing patches in the Yocto source tree, and update the
of the corresponding recipe to add your listing of patches.
After finishing the integration, now you can reset the devtool environment and switch to use the updated recipe for building U-Boot:
MACHINE=<board-name> devtool reset u-boot
After running devtool reset <recipe>
, the workspace folder
in this case) containing
checked out source tree will be kept. You are free to delete it if you don’t
need it anymore.
Modifying boot assets
In addition to modifying bootloaders, IoT Yocto allows the user to add or modify static data such as boot logos, audio, or video files, which will be stored in the bootassets partition.
To add new data, please create a new file bootassets-part.bbappend
under your
custom layer, with following content:
FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI += " \
file://data.bin \
collect_artifacts:append() {
And please run the command to generate boot assets:
MACHINE=<board-name> bitbake bootassets-part
The generated image will be in <BUILD_DIR>/tmp/deploy/images/<MACHINE>/bootassets.vfat
Flashing to target board
After modifying board assets (including bootloader binaries or boot assets), we can use genio-flash tool to flash those images to the target board. Each partition can be flashed individually without touching others:
$ cd <BUILD_DIR>/deploy/images/<MACHINE>/
# Flash bl2
$ genio-flash mmc0boot0
# Flash U-Boot
$ genio-flash bootloaders
# Flash U-Boot & U-Boot env
$ genio-flash bootloaders mmc0boot1
# Flash boot assets
$ genio-flash bootassets
The table below lists the needed argument supplied to genio-flash for flashing board assets.
Component |
Partition name for genio-flash |
Image |
BL2 |
mmc0boot0 |
bl2.img |
BL31 |
bootloaders |
fip.bin |
BL32 |
bootloaders |
fip.bin |
BL33 |
bootloaders |
fip.bin |
U-Boot Env |
mmc0boot1 |
u-boot-env.bin |
Boot assets |
bootassets |
bootassets.vfat |