i300A Coral Board

The Coral board (aka Coral dev board mini) is made by Google. The board is designed for Machine Learning application with the integration of a Tensor Processing Unit ASIC.


The Google Coral board is available on coral.ai


You can build an image for the Google Coral Board by setting the MACHINE variable in your local.conf to i300a-coral.


For full build instructions, please refer to the top level README.md.


The Google Coral Board supports the following csi camera sensor:

  • Omnivision ov5645

If you wish to use the ov5645 camera, the related overlay is recipes-kernel/dtbo/mt8167-coral/camera-ov5645.dts

Device-Tree Overlays (DTBO)

The following Device-Tree Overlays are supported:

  • camera-ov5645.dtbo: ov5645 camera (see Cameras section)


Most peripherals provided by the board are not supported.