Connect to the board shell


Most development boards have an UART connected to a FTDI chip which expose the UART serial console as an USB serial device.


Before you can connect to the device you must check that your user account if part of the dialout group:

$ groups | grep dialout
dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev bluetooth

If your users is not part of the dialout group, then you must add yourself to that group:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

This last command requires you to log out and log back in to your account to be in effect.

Connect to UART shell

You can now connect to the UART using the following command:

picocom -b 921600 /dev/ttyUSB0

or using

screen /dev/ttyUSB0 921600


In general the baudrate for MediaTek boards is 921600, but it can sometimes differ, please refer to the BSP documentation to check the baudrate for a particular board.


Depending on your system, you may have more than one USB serial device connected, which means the board might not be connected to /dev/ttyUSB0, in that case please try other ttyUSB devices (i.e. /dev/ttyUSB1, /dev/ttyUSB2, …)

SSH over USB

RITY is shipping a SSH server and is configured to expose an SSH connection over USB. Please check the BSP documentation to see which USB port can be used for SSH connections.

Connecting using the board IP

All the boards are configured with the following static IP:

You can connect to the board using the following command:

ssh root@

Connecting using the board avahi name

RITY SDK is also including by default the avahi daemon to provide zeroconf.

The name of the board is by default the value of the MACHINE variable that was used to build the SDK. The MACHINE variable is used to choose the board for which the SDK is being built for. Please check the BSP documentation to see the list of all the boards/MACHINE available.

For instance you can connect to the i500-pumpkin board using the following command:

ssh root@pumpkin-i500.local


It is recommended to change the avahi name of the board to something unique if several people work on the same board and in the same network.