.. include:: /keyword.rst ========================================== Feature Support Status - MT8365(Genio 350) ========================================== This page shows configurations and feature support status relevant to Genio 350 in |IOT-YOCTO| v23.2. For general updates and new features in |IOT-YOCTO| v23.2, please visit :doc:`../iot-yocto-v23.2-release-note`. New Features for MT8365(Genio 350) in v23.2 =========================================== In this release, Genio 350 platform has the following new features and improvements: * :ref:`sw/yocto/release-notes/iot-yocto-v23.2-release-note:LVDS Panel (Genio 350)` * :ref:`sw/yocto/release-notes/iot-yocto-v23.2-release-note:Gstreamer kmssink Element (All Genio Platforms)` * :ref:`sw/yocto/release-notes/iot-yocto-v23.2-release-note:UART DMA Mode (All Genio Platforms)` |G350-EVK| Overlays in v23.2 ============================ .. _genio-350-evk-dtbo-v23.2: .. csv-table:: :file: /_asset/tables/v23.2-G350-dtbo.csv :header-rows: 1 :widths: 4 6 Please refer to this page to :ref:`load DTBOs during flashing process`. Feature List for Genio 350 ========================== These symbols represent the supporting status: - ``V``: function enabled by software and available on the EVK set. - ``O``: software integrated but cannot be validated due to hardware board limitations. - ``Patch``: requires getting patches from MediaTek or partners to enable this feature. - ``POC``: proof-of-concept. Not a fully verified feature. - ``()``: unable to verify this feature with out-of-stock EVK set. It may require extra hardware. - ``--``: not supported in this release. .. csv-table:: MT8365 Supported Features :file: /_asset/tables/v23.2-G350-feature-status.csv :header-rows: 1 :encoding: utf-8 :width: 80% :widths: 25,55,5,5,5