.. include:: /keyword.rst ======================== Connecting Board to Host ======================== .. include:: communication/connectivity.inc .. note:: If using Windows, installation of the Google Android USB driver and FTDI VCP USB driver is required, to Boot as outlined in the :ref:`Fastboot and ADB ` and :ref:`UART Setup ` sections of Setup Tool Environment respectively. Open Device Manager and confirm that the Google Android USB driver appears under ``Android Device \\ Android Bootloader Interface`` and the FTDI VCP USB driver appears under ``Ports (COM & LPT) \\ USB Serial Port (COMx)`` (where ``x`` is the port assigned by your system). Further details regarding both USB drivers can be found in the :ref:`flash trouble-shooting section `. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: |G350-EVK| .. include:: connect/ports-g350-evk.inc .. group-tab:: |G510-EVK| .. include:: connect/ports-g700-evk.inc .. group-tab:: |G700-EVK| .. include:: connect/ports-g700-evk.inc .. group-tab:: |G1200-EVK| .. include:: connect/ports-g1200-evk.inc